Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Here are a few dang cute things I don't want to forget about our crazy toddler...

Jax LOVES helping. Every time he see us open the oven he runs and puts an oven mitt on. He also helps with dishes, whenever I turn on the water he drags a chair to the sink.

He loves playing hide and seek. His favorite thing is to put things under his leg and then put his hands up next to his head (the "I don't know" sign) when we ask where it went. He can do that over and over...and he does! It's adorable. He's also a little helper right now. If (when) he spills he'll say "uh oh" and go get a towel and wipe it up.
His little buddy got water all over himself the other day and Jax ran for a towel and patted him down. He also loves his daddy (and shoes "doos") and will run to daddy to step on his doos when he gets home from work. He also is learning how to rip his clothes off. He didn't quite get it the other day though, got it over his head (the cute pic on the left) and then ran around patting his belly, it was really funny.

We love that kid! Always something...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Before and after

Also had to post what's been keeping Bry and me up until nearly midnight every night for the past week. Been busy painting! Bryan actually sprained his ankle the night we (I) started, so he watched for the first few days, but thankfully, was able to really help out in the end. We really like the way it turned out!

We do exist . . .

Here's what we've been up to:
Okay, I have no idea how to organize pictures on blogger - lame! So here's the descriptions: Far left, Dr. Jax on Halloween with Nacho Libre (Jaron) - too bad you can't see his nylons and underwear over them! And then Jax on the phone is at the Children's Museum in TX, where Uncle T took us. Below that is Uncle T! We love him and had such a blast visiting. And down below is the annual tradition of tagging a Christmas tree. Didn't take too long this year and we mostly agreed! It's lots of fun and we always go to the candy factory afterwards, which is also a great tradition. :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The House! and a haircut

Well I am finally posting pictures of the house for Brittney! Sorry it's taken me so long Britt! It's still not as clean as I want it to be....but if I wait any longer it will never happen. I've learned my house is never really clean, but I'm accepting it b/c I love the baby who makes all the messes!

Also, we cut off Jax's darling locks (sigh), so I have to post the before and after shots. And! Have I mentioned on here that Jax is walking all over the place? More like running these days. He worked up a sweat tonight literally running circles around us downstairs. It's so adorable. And he always has something in his fists, doesn't go anywhere without something, so things are getting lost.....

Okay, I'm putting all the picture captions up here b/c blogger is lame and I can't get a text box under the photos....

So, first is one angle of Jaxy's room and my version of "curtains" (working on it). Next is the downstairs living room (the playroom for now), then a few different angles of the great room upstairs. The rest of the bedrooms are boring, just white walls now. We have cool lofts above two of the rooms though, including Jax's, but we haven't done anything yet up there. We'll evetually make them little play lofts and put ladders up to them. I want to paint the great room soon too...probably tan? And our bedrooms is just white too, it's a good size though and we have a master bath, which is sweet!

And below the house, Jax's before and after hair-do pics. :) He looks like such a toddler with the new do.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Birthday Boy!

Jax is officially one year old. I am not sure how I feel about it... that year went so fast and I already feel like I'm losing him! I just adore that kid. I can't imagine life without him.

So, we threw him a birthday party up the canyon with some family and friends and it was so much fun. We are so lucky to have some amazing family and friends. Anyway, just wanted to put some of the party pics up here and hopefully a video my good friend Jen made for Jaxy too.

Jax we love you sooo much! Happy, happy birthday!!!

When he finally got into his chocolate basketball cake (the cakes were cute thanks to Brook!)

In his plastic bag . . just protecting the cute birthday outfit.

Before he dug in. He wasn't quite sure what to do for a few minutes, we had to help him along.

This was on the way to the party. We had to wake him up go so he was a little out of it at first.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Few more things

Just had to put a few more pictures in here. We just had a great visit with Brandon and Sarah and their cute boys and have some fun pictures from that. The boys were so good with Jax! We're glad he has so many cousins to look up to and grow up with.

Cute nephews Sterling and Hyrum at the Dinosaur Museum

Jax and Sterling playing drums in the kitchen together - and then, Sterling made that spoon a weapon, and then, he killed me

Hyrum and Jax looking at fossils. Hyrum totally reminds us of Jax in a year or so, busy and so cute!

Everyone waiting in line at the Dinosaur Museum (that's not the only thing we did the whole time, just what I have pics of!)

And lastly, below, a picture of Jax standing on our hike, that's a continuation from the last blog post, it wouldn't let me add it there for some reason.......

New adventures

We are in our new home! We've been here for about a month and it really does feel like home - I think that's Jaxy's doing since he's crawled in every corner and cupboard and spread his toys in every room - I love it! We feel really blessed to be here and feel like we're in the right place. Jax already has some really cute friends next door and we're settling right in. We are soo grateful for all the help we had from family and friends to get here, you'll never know how much that meant to us. Thank you so much!!

Jax is also almost one year old! I can't believe it. He's growing up so fast I didn't think it was possible to love him more but Bryan and I adore him more every day. He is so fun and just so special, we are so lucky to have him, we really had nothing before him, sounds corny, but so true! He's just amazing. He is really trying to walk these days, he's getting more brave every day, but he usually needs to hold a hand to stay steady. It's so fun watching him get his balance and gain confidence though. He's trying to copy some words too, like "choo choo," he's says "too," and he always points at things he's watching or trying to figure out and he'll grab our hands and hold them up and make us point too. He loves life. We took him hiking last weekend and he stood the entire time in the backpack and just checked everything out. Here are some pictures of him lately:

Jax loves being outside and putting his face (and snotty nose in this case) on the window.

Bryan and Jax exploring the creek in Hobble Creek Canyone by our house. Jax loved the water and didn't mind the cold at all, he never complained - he actually just kept trying to sit in it - brrr

Jax with a little gel in his hair. Can we really cut that? Oh it's so cute. We're having the "cut or not to cut" debate right now....

Jax helping daddy clean before the big move

Monday, June 15, 2009

Moving along...

I think this will be our last post for a little while, things are getting super busy and we have to get packing and moving! But wanted to post a few cute memories (I probably look at these more than anyone else!).

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Runnin' Jax

Just had to post a cute video of Jax running circles. It's his new favorite thing to hold my hands and walk all over and it's hilarious to see where he leads me - last night, it was just around and around until I made him stop because my legs were tired.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

We hate railroad tracks.... and cars

It's been a crazy few weeks for us! Two weeks ago, Bry crashed his road bike going over railroad tracks, he hit a lip going about 14 and went straight up and straight down. He cracked his helmet in three places, and we thought his shoulder too, but luckily there were no breaks. He did end up with some ligament and muscle damage, but seems to be doing a lot better this week. About four days after that happened, Jax and I got rear-ended. Totaled our car, but we are both Okay! So scary with a baby in the car. I am seeing a doctor for some twisted vertibre from whiplash, but overall, we feel really lucky that it wasn't worse. On a happy note, our house is moving right along (totally framed, plumbed) and Jax is doing great! He cut his first tooth two days ago, top-left front tooth, he's pulling up and standing all the time and crawling around. He just gets more and more fun, and cute.

Here are some pictures of our past few weeks:

Jax out for a walk. He rides with his feet up on the tray and makes me feel like I'm chouffering him around! He loves being outside.

Jax at my parent's on Memorial Day. He had fun climbing the fence - and their stairs (his new favorite talent)

Jax swinging with his buddy Asher

Auntie Brooke holding Jax in front of our house

Bry after the ER. His poor purple ear got really swollen too.
Little movie of Jax playing in his crib. I am posting it for my Grandma Miskell so she can get to know Jax and his cute personality a little. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Our House! The beginnings....

We went out to our house yesterday with my parents, it's starting to come together! We are so excited. Here's what we've got so far.

We love the views. We've got mountains all around.

Also, Happy Mother's Day! My first one, I just love being a mom, Jax makes it easy to love. And I had the best example growing up. I have an amazing mother - who is now also an amazing grandmother! - and I am so, so grateful for her and everything she has taught and continues to teach me. I love you mom! Jax with my mom - that's his new cheesy grin Jax all dolled up for Mother's Day. His hair is still hopeless. :) (What little he has)

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Latest

So we haven't done too good at keeping this up, which I was reminded by Bry's aunt Barb this weekend (thanks for the nudge Barb!) - so here's a little rundown of what we've been up to.

Jax has been busy as ever! He loves trying new things (by trying that usually means tasting) and doing everything. He became mobile in the past month -army crawling) and it's so cute to watch him discover all the new things the floor has to offer. We also had to get a new vacuum because of this because he discovers a whole lot of stuff. He is still a very happy boy and is quick to give anyone a smile who gives him some attention.

On the family front, we just signed on a home! We're building a house in Springville, about 5-10 minutes south of where we are now, so that is very exciting. We also have a new nephew, Jonah, we are excited to meet him. And, Brittney just got married so we have a new addition to the family there too! Welcome Paul! We just got back from their wedding, which was May 2. It was really nice and it was fun to meet lots of family Jax and I didn't know.

Now, to add to my digital photo album, have to post a few really cute pictures of Jax. :)

Classic sad face - one of those and we cave.

Going for a walk, Jax LOVES riding on Bry's shoulders,
he just laughs and laughs. We try to go out every night.
Jax swinging. He loves the park, too!

Jax riding in a bucket. I just love this face.

Jax handling his Coach and Uncle Jar. :) He makes it look easy!
Hope this video works! It's Jax army crawling last week. So cute.