Thursday, June 17, 2010

Toddler Jax

Not so much new going on here, just working in the yard and working in general. So just wanted to make an excuse to post cute pictures of Jax. His thing lately - other than dancing - is dressing up. And he LOVES coloring. He can color for an hour straight if I give him pictures of dinosaurs. Also, he's been talking in his sleep the past few nights. It started with him yelling "wood!", I went in to check on him and he said "Granna, sit." (Granna is my mom). The next night he just yelled out "Crumpit!" (that's our new dog by the way...ok, so I do have a little to mention there). He gets it from him dad. If I haven't told you the story about Bryan talking about being sexy and successful in his sleep, just ask. :)

So we got a dog two weeks ago. It was kind of a fluke, but Bry fell in love with this English setter at the pound and we had to bring him home. He works me over. He peed in the house four times the first day (I kept forgiving him and thinking he wouldn't do it again...) then he peed on my leg and he pulled me into the dirt when I tried to walk him, still, he's cute.

Here are some cute pics of Jax, don't have any of Crumpit yet.

Jaxy and Jar drawing. Jaxy likes coloring at his own little table

Coach and Jax watching "Just Haven't Met You Yet" music video. He loves it and asks for it - and that seriously wasn't my doing. Maybe I turned it on once, but who hasn't? My dad loves it.

Jax in one of his many disguises. Towels are actually his favorite to wear. A very close second is the Buddy outfit from Bry's My Buddy doll. The pants are tight capris on Jax and the shirt doesn't fit over his head - and he loves it.

Jax chillin' on our bed. So much personality :) We love that kid!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Birthday girl

My birthday was last week but I told Bryan it wasn't over until the Buble concert (about a week after my birthday). I have a great husband to celebrate with me for a week. So the culmination of birthday week was the big concert! We were so lucky to win front row tickets to my most favorite artist of all time - Michael Buble - and it was so amazing! I never thought I'd sit front row at one of his concerts. And Bryan brought in his "Kiss my wife" sign (since that was part of how we won the competition), and Michael saw it in the middle of a song. His eyes got all big and he stepped back and smiled at me. It was really a fantastic concert, he was amazing live, and Bryan and I had so much fun. I'll never forget it! Thank you to everyone who voted, that was seriously so amazing. So, here are a few pics from the show, and a few cute ones of our darling Jax :)

Oh my gosh, the stage is RIGHT BEHIND US!

Pretty sure he was singing to me here.....

This is not photoshopped...that close!!

This is not photoshopped either, I came home from a church meeting and Bryan said, "I thought he was just drawing on the paper I gave him..."

In front of his new fish tank, we started with 12 fish, two frogs and three snails. 6 fish are still alive, they went shark on us and ate the snails and the frogs are holding their own. So nasty

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mo, Mo

"Mo" used to mean "more," now it's "no." He uses it so well!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy New Year!

Sarah, Brandon and the boys and Jax shoveling, he is loving the snow!

Just wanted to post a little about our holiday adventures. It was a great season, we had lots of fun with family. Brandon and Sarah and the boys came out for a week right before Christmas - so brave! Jax had a great time following around his cousins and poking at baby Jonah. He just stopped trying to walk down the stairs like the cousins too. (Hopefully we can buy ourselves a little more time there.) They got to be here for Bry's birthday too, so that was really fun. The guys tried to go fishing, Sarah and I got some shopping in, it was a great time. Thanks for making the trek guys! Then for New Years, we flew to Texas with all my family to see my Uncle T and family. It was the first time ever we've all been together, and we had a really great time! They are really wonderful hosts and we have cute, awesome cousins, and I can't wait to see them all again. We got to go the Alamo, which was neat, the riverwalk in San Antonio - a must see if you ever go there - and experience real Tex-Mex (not as good as Uncle T's cooking). Here are a few pics from the holidays.

Here we are at the Alamo, Jax liked the rocks, and below is Jax enjoying a Christmas sucker and looking like a mess.

Oh wait, I have to say that Bryan got me the best X-mas present ever, tickets to Michael Buble's concert in March! Yay. And... Jax was adorable opening his presents, he would rip off the wrapping paper in tiny pieces and throw them, so it took a while. Also, best wishes to my grandpa Miskell, hope you get feeling better soon. Also, I need to see if I can post a funny video of Shelby chasing birds..can't forget that.