Monday, August 24, 2009

Birthday Boy!

Jax is officially one year old. I am not sure how I feel about it... that year went so fast and I already feel like I'm losing him! I just adore that kid. I can't imagine life without him.

So, we threw him a birthday party up the canyon with some family and friends and it was so much fun. We are so lucky to have some amazing family and friends. Anyway, just wanted to put some of the party pics up here and hopefully a video my good friend Jen made for Jaxy too.

Jax we love you sooo much! Happy, happy birthday!!!

When he finally got into his chocolate basketball cake (the cakes were cute thanks to Brook!)

In his plastic bag . . just protecting the cute birthday outfit.

Before he dug in. He wasn't quite sure what to do for a few minutes, we had to help him along.

This was on the way to the party. We had to wake him up go so he was a little out of it at first.


thatmormonlady said...

Happy Birthday Jaxy!! I love the plastic bag bib. That's great! Wish we could have been there. We miss you guys so much! I'm trying to figure out when we can come back!

Unknown said...

oooo we had so much fun! Jaxy has been so fun to play with! Its going to be sad saying goodbye tomorrow! We love seeing you guys!

Brit said...

He's so cute!