Just had to write two stories to remember that happened Sunday and tonight. Sunday, while in the adult Sunday School class, the nursery leader brings Jax into the doorway. He walks to the middle of the room, looks at me and announces (loudly), "I need to poop." Everyone laughs, of course. So as we're walking to the bathroom, he says, "Everyone laughed, but potty talk is not funny." So true. And Bry is out tonight, and Jax is so sad dadda isn't here. So as I left his room I just reminded him that he could pray for daddy if he was feeling sad. A minute later I hear talking in his room, so I snuck to the door and heard the tail-end of his prayer: "Please help dadda (sniff, sniff), I just wanted him at our house (sniff, sniff), please help dadda. I just wanted him and I was crying." He tried so hard to hold it together through it. I was proud he felt like he could talk to Heavenly Father though, even though it was breaking my heart! And a few sweet pictures of the kiddos doing what Jax and I have termed "baby-toy time" in the crib. They both love it. And a cute pic of an exhausted baby chilling with daddy.
Also, thanks so much to our Washington family for letting us stay SO long and showing us a good time! We love you guys! Sorry about the grumpy, tired kids.
As a parent, we are the ones who notice the grumpiness most. I could tell you were frazzled by them though!! Hope your trip home was pretty uneventful and you've gotten back into to your normal mode. Miss you!
I sympathize with Jax. I have to poop too.
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